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Love What You Have, Before Life Teaches You To Love – Tymoff

Love What You Have, Before Life Teaches You To Love - Tymoff

We humans must be loved, yet sometimes we have a remarkable aspect of nature to overlook the positive aspects of our existence completely.

It’s just like having plenty of delicious food in the fridge and only going for the wilted lettuce at the back.

Why We May Struggle To See & Value The Positive Things in Life

Why do we overlook Positive Aspects of life which are made to make us happy?

Our brain is designed in such a way that its tendency is to compare, judge, and see what others have above us, during which we overlook positive aspects or take things for Granted.

The Negativity Bias

Due to natural wiring in our brains, humans are more sensitive to danger and threats. It’s an evolutionary leftover from a time when a sabre-toothed tiger’s grumpiness posed a greater danger than a misplaced letter.

Thus, a small irritation such as a burned toast crumb might seem more significant than a day full of companionable laughter.

The Comparison Trap

We are continuously surrounded by other people’s highlight reels and manipulated stories, which only show the happier side and it’s easy to feel like our own lives aren’t good enough.

Remember, though, that those lovely holiday photos don’t depict the sunburn, the fight, or the arguments over who gets to sit by the window.

The Hedonic Treadmill

Positive stimuli rapidly cause our brains to adapt. That cool new device you simply had to have? You won’t always feel the same happiness from it.

This may lead us to lose perspective of the good that is already there in favor of always chasing the next “thing” to feel joyful.

Taking Things for Granted

We frequently get habituated to the positive aspects of our lives, such as our excellent health, a loving family, or a steady job.

We stop appreciating things until something or someone threatens to take them away; they become background noise.

Why Loving What You Have Contents You?

Loving ourselves, and our appreciative behavior can make us help us in a lot of ways such as enhancing our mental strength, improving our focus, and making our life easier and happy

Gratitude Boosts Happy Hormones

When we focus on the good things or Happy moments in life, our brain releases chemicals named dopamine and serotonin, which are also known as happy hormones.

These are the same substances that are produced when we laugh or savor delicious food! They are responsible for making our minds happy.

Gratitude Shifts Your Focus

Gratitude diverts your attention from anxieties and bad thoughts. Comparable to flipping from a dismal news report to an amusing kitten or adorable puppy video on the screen.

Having Gratitude Increases Your Savoriness

Giving attention to the wonderful things happening in your life enables you to appreciate happy times more deeply.

That sunset you see every day? It becomes more than simply a background when you stop to admire its beauty; it becomes a joyful moment.

Gratitude and admiring nature trigger our brains to release happy hormones.

It shifts our concentration from negative to positive aspects, raising awareness for little pleasures like sunsets, breezes, and other beautiful things.

Key To Open This Gratitude Superpower Within You?

Wanna know how you can change your life by learning the real power of Gratitude?

It is easily achievable by making small changes in your daily life, such as writing things you liked today, creating reminders of things that made you happy in whole day, or even simply observing a beautiful sunset.

Create a Gratitude Journal

Set out a few moments each day, maybe right before bed, to list three things for which you have reason to be thankful.

These could be anything, such as comforting partners or friends, a humorous meme you came upon online, or your cozy bed. The favorable emotions are strengthened by seeing it in writing.

Mindfulness Minute

Take a moment to practice mindfulness every day. Focus on Present events, such as the shining sun, flowing winds, the Chirping of birds, anything you could discover how to live in the now, savor its little joys, and remain grounded.

The Appreciation Jar

Put small Slips of gratitude you have written on paper into a jar. Take note and remind yourself of all the positive things in your life whenever you’re having a bad day.

By making small changes in your daily life, you can easily access the power of Gratitude, by reminding yourself of things that made you laugh or made your mind relaxed or observing and appreciating things can change a lot

How Loss Can Be a Catalyst for Appreciation!!

Loss is a powerful teacher that makes us appreciate as well as regret the things we previously took for granted. Tymoff’s quotation emphasizes how enjoying what we have before it disappears and how loss may lead to appreciation.

The Tymoff Quote makes us appreciate the present rather than waiting for loss to teach us this lesson.

To prevent regrets in the future and increase happiness in the here and now, it promotes developing an appreciation for the gifts in our lives.

Bottom Line:

Have you ever lost something or someone amazing and regretted it right away?

“Love what you have, before life teaches you to love what you lost,” is a quotation by Tymoff that serves as a helpful reminder of the significance of proactive appreciation.

We may nurture happiness now rather than wait for loss to teach us the worth of what we have.

Don’t let regret serve as your mentor! Remember that appreciating what you currently have is what brings true happiness rather than chasing other’s fake show-offs or stories.

Start appreciating the Beautiful things in your life and begin to love what you have today!

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