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6 Things That Set Cybersecurity Apart From Other Tech Industries

6 Things That Set Cybersecurity Apart From Other Tech Industries

If you’re seasoned in the tech sector or fresh out of school — the world of cybersecurity has a place for anyone.

Distinguishing itself from other tech industries, cybersecurity offers its own set of benefits for prospective workers.

So today, we’re going to highlight the six major differences between cybersecurity and the other tech industries and how you can snag your first job.

Are you the right candidate for a career in cybersecurity? Let’s find out now…

#1. Enemies remain the same

Unlike other tech industries, which compete heavily with one another, cybersecurity’s nemesis has always been the same. While they’re constantly trying new tactics and methods to breach data, the threat actors are well-known.

On the outside, threat actors constantly knock at the door, trying to get in. On the inside, human error also makes itself a regular enemy of cybersecurity. Knowing your enemies helps with creating highly targeted solutions against cybercriminals.

#2. The challenges are always shifting

Just because the enemy remains the same doesn’t mean they use the same tired tactics. In fact, a big part of a cybersecurity professional’s job focuses on the dynamic, ever-changing world of cyber attacks.

Due to this, industry professionals are good at changing their approach at a moment’s notice. While the threat actors don’t change, the methods they use adapt to new technology, so their cybersecurity counterparts need to as well.

#3. Defenders of the connected world

As a cybersecurity professional, you’re at the forefront of global cyber defense. The world is only getting more dependent on internet-connected devices — cybersecurity is the guarantee that these smart-home devices don’t turn on us.

We now live in a world where your daughter’s toy doll can be hacked and used to spy on your child. Now that every smart device is communicating via the internet, the cybersecurity industry is the only thing stopping hackers from entering your home.

#4. It’s here to stay

For those looking for a permanent career change without the turbulence of other tech industries, look no further than cybersecurity. As mentioned, cyber defense is only becoming more relevant as technology progresses, meaning your job is pretty secure.

With each passing year, governments around the world cement cybersecurity measures into law. This will only set the industry in stone, as government regulation on businesses and individuals will come to require cybersecurity rather than only recommend it.

#5. New skills to learn constantly

Tech is awesome because it’s always adapting, improving, and innovating. However, certain industries in the space innovate less and focus more on mass production. These jobs can be rewarding but get boring very quickly.

If you’re always wanting to learn new skills, work with ground-breaking technology, and fix yet-unsolved problems, cybersecurity is the answer. Solutions and frameworks in cybersecurity have to be dynamic, so each work day can be unlike the last.

#6. Cross-industry relevance

Well, let’s say you’re looking for a profitable tech industry, but you don’t want to commit your career to it. Luckily, the ever-evolving skillset you’ll develop in the cybersecurity industry is adaptable to so many other industries.

Every niche, from health to education, includes digital infrastructures in their business frameworks. Being qualified in developing secure digital infrastructure, your skillset will only become more desired and vital to society.

How to break into the cybersecurity industry

Just like any tech industry, getting your first gig in cybersecurity can be challenging. But whether you’re hopping over from another tech job or it’s your first time in the sector, there are some easier ways to find employment.

For newbies…

Starting from the ground up can be daunting, but it’s best to start with:

  • Education via diploma or online courses;
  • Learn more about cybersecurity software types and uses;
  • Create a portfolio of your projects;
  • Network via LinkedIn or social media;
  • Find small beginner jobs on Upwork or Fiverr to get your first paid job.

Most of all, be persistent — there’s a perfect job in cybersecurity just for you. Getting your foot in the door is hard but so rewarding in the end.

For tech professionals…

The process for professionals transferring from other tech industries can also be difficult, so make sure you:

  • Port or upgrade any related skills;
  • Network with other professionals;
  • Build a strong business profile (incl. CVs, resumes, achievements, etc.);
  • Scour specialized job sites like CyberSecJobs.

Persistence goes a long way for tech industry veterans but isn’t as important. What’s crucial is your ability to market your existing skills to appropriately fit the cybersecurity space.


Whether you’re coming from tech already or starting your first career in the industry, cybersecurity is always in need of bright, innovative professionals.

So… are you ready to join the never-ending fight against the dark side of the internet?

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