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Everything You Need to Know About IAM

Everything You Need to Know About IAM

Identity and access management (IAM) could be the most important job that IT undertakes. It’s the best way to protect sensitive company data without compromising employees’ access to the tools they need to conduct their jobs.

When properly implemented, IAM prevents even the CFO from having access to the mailroom clerk’s version of the company’s financial information.

If not properly implemented, the level of access that identification provides can have a devastating effect on a business.

Identity and access management is more crucial than ever for IT departments in today’s increasingly mixed workplace. Keep reading to find out what identity and access management is and why it’s so important.

What Is Identity and Access Management?

IAM is a security framework that ensures that only authorized users have access to sensitive data.

To put it another way, identity management is a subset of IT solutions that uses individual profiles or identities to control access to data and systems.

Each user can have their own identity set up, giving them restricted access to digital assets they don’t need to complete their jobs but still allowing them to use things like the company’s WiFi and servers.

To implement IAM, you need to provide fundamental directory services platforms that can store user identities and federate those identities to various IT resources.

When it comes to authenticating and authorizing users, such services likewise rely on the central directory services database, often known as identity providers (IdPs).

IdPs simplify the IAM procedure by providing IT departments with a centralized location from which to manage users and their devices.

To reach your full security and IAM potential, teaming up with a credible IAM solutions provider, such as Ping Identity, is crucial.

You can be certain that your systems are in excellent hands and protected from cyberattacks thanks to their expertise and reliability.

Do You Need Identity Access Management?

Having no IAM strategy is no longer an option due to the prevalence of hybrid workplaces and remote workers.

Given that compromised identities are the leading source of data breaches, IAM is perhaps the most effective security measure currently available.

Companies’ IT strategies as a whole have shifted from being network-based to being people-based as a result of working in remote situations.

IT departments’ primary responsibility now is figuring out how to keep remote employees safe while allowing them to access company systems and data. IAM is the driving force behind this principle.

By connecting users to their IT resources using zero-trust principles and providing IT with extensive control over identities, a comprehensive cloud IAM platform has directory services and single sign-on capabilities.

Users have only one login to remember and use, while IT administrators have complete command and centralization thanks to a contemporary IAM platform.

IAM Benefits

Identity and access management provides the optimal combination of safety, efficiency, and the most cutting-edge resources.

With IAM, workers can safely access the computing resources they need by using a single, unified identity to sign in.

Users get the most from the simplified and streamlined procedures that provide them access to additional resources with a single set of credentials.

As a result, they enjoy a far better login experience and are less likely to forget (or, worse, reuse) their passwords.

In contrast, IAM provides IT with a single point of control over all of these resources.

Today’s IT administrators must be able to keep tabs on and govern all manner of Windows, Mac, and Linux devices, link users to a vast array of on-premises and online services, and interface with the cloud without compromising data security.

Next-generation Identity-as-a-Service (IDaaS) and other SaaS-based IAM solutions provide administrators with a centralized hub from which they can manage all of these aspects.

Remote administration of an IAM platform allows for seamless user provisioning, de-provisioning, identity management, access policy management, and step-up authentication management, as well as troubleshooting.

Identity compliance efforts including General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Payment Card Industry (PCI), and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) can all benefit from cloud-based identity and access management systems.

Around 60% of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) reportedly fail within six months after a cyberattack, highlighting the paramount importance of cyber security.

With IAM, IT managers can safeguard their company’s digital assets and ward off cybercriminals.

Final Thoughts

Integrating identity and access management in your workplace helps make sure only authorized users can access the sensitive resources your company handles. And they make it easier for businesses to avoid taking risks.

The fact that, in today’s increasingly decentralized environment, it’s perilous to provide the incorrect person access to critical data without first applying appropriate filters is a prime example.

By working with a leading IAM solutions provider, you’re safeguarding both your and your customers’ information.

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