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How to Market your Open Mic Night using Facebook

How to Market your Open Mic Night using Facebook

If the most common question asked in your friend group is, “What should we do this weekend” and you’re tired of spending every Saturday night with a throbbing headache in the club or emptying your wallet at a half-decent, over-priced restaurant, then open mics are just the thing for you.

Not only are open mics fun – there’s nothing quite like seeing your friends express their hidden talents – but they’re also a great way to immerse yourself in art, be it slam poetry, improv, or even acting.

If you’re in for a really fun night, then you can also put together your own open mic event with a few friends!

All you’ll need is a small space, a mic, and some decor to create a vibe – and marketing to get the word out, of course!

But with so many small events happening around town every day, how do you make sure your open mic gets to peoples’ notice and has them walking through the door?

Well, believe it or not, Facebook’s a great avenue to achieve just that! Not only is it the perfect social media platform to market events, but Facebook’s unprecedented reach is where the magic lies.

Here’s How You Can Promote Your Open Mic Event On Facebook:

Get Posting!

The simplest way to promote your open mic event on Facebook is by making it appear in people’s news feeds.

After all, the average Facebook user is known to spend hours on end scrolling through their feeds, interacting and engaging with content that shows up – and oftentimes, the content that they see here makes its way into their real lives.

And if you’re worried about handling the design element of your posts, then you can always make use of PosterMyWall’s  Facebook post templates to customize and create engaging Facebook content.

Not only is the platform extremely user-friendly – it’s the perfect marketing and design hub for those who aren’t big on graphic design – but it’s also a great resource that doesn’t require you to spend money.

Simply select a template you like, customize it according to your requirements, and then post it on your Facebook page, pairing it with trending hashtags and an SEO-optimized caption for maximum reach. As your engagement rises, so will your open mic attendees.

Embrace the Facebook Groups

You’ve probably heard of Facebook groups – and for good measure! A Facebook gem that is rarely recognized for its worth, Facebook groups are versatile and great at achieving a number of things – looking for a new dress?

Need help with your trigonometry homework? Want to advertise your open mic event? Thanks to their diversity, Facebook groups will cover it all.

Start by taking your pick – you should be looking to join groups that are relevant to what you’re advertising, so in this case, you can look for Facebook groups about open mics, slam poetry, weekend events, and improv, among others.

Once your selection has been made, it’s time to get posting! You can share the posts that you’ve been putting up on your Facebook page, an event that you’ve created for the open mic.

Or even short text-based posts that are engagement-driven to get people to connect to your event. Remember, popularity in the groups means a full house!

Invest in Paid Advertising

While putting up Facebook posts and having an active presence in groups is great for marketing, there’s something about paid advertising that is just simply unmatched.

By boosting your existing posts or putting up a new paid ad, you can make your open mic event reach newer, more relevant audiences.

Start by designing an ad – you can always use PosterMyWall’s Facebook ad templates to fast-track the process while getting great results since the platform is user-friendly and has a large variety of designs to choose from.

And not only that, but it’s also completely free of cost, helping you save your budget for other things!

Once your design is done and out of the way, then it’s time to set up your ad. Make sure to choose your target audience demographic carefully so that your open mic reaches people that are likely to show up.

End by pairing your ad graphic with high-performing copy, and voila! You’re all done!

Get Facebook Influencers Onboard

There’s nothing like a little celebrity preaching – just think about it, how many times have you seen a product being used by an influencer or celebrity only to find out that it’s completely blown up everywhere?

And the same can be true for your open mic, all you need to do is to get some influencers in the niche talking about it!

Start by reaching out to relevant influencers or small celebrities – for an open mic event that could be a poet.

A spoken word artist, or really any sort of a creative – and get them to talk about your pen mic event either by sharing your posts, posting about it on their stories, or even during a Facebook live session.

The more genuinely excited they seem for the event, the more hype will be created – and you’ll have a full room!

So, if you’re looking to promote your open mic event on Facebook, then these tips and tricks are your go-to. Just be sure to make your event shine through and make changes where necessary!

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