As a marketer, one of your objectives is to develop high-quality content that will drive traffic to your site and engage users. On the other hand, you are well aware that content production is only the beginning. You must examine Read more…
Category: AI
As a marketer, one of your objectives is to develop high-quality content that will drive traffic to your site and engage users. On the other hand, you are well aware that content production is only the beginning. You must examine Read more…
Artificial Intelligence(AI) has been used in computing for more than a couple of decades and has been advancing as sophisticated technology. Data collection, analytics, and machine learning now drive Artificial Intelligence. All companies, whether big or small, no matter what Read more…
If you want to learn different strategies against opponents, one way to do this is by playing chess. Chess is a game that has been played for centuries and it’s also considered one of the most important games in history. Read more…
At first glance, it would seem that the human body is too complicated for artificial intelligence (AI) to comprehend. But AI is quickly becoming one of the most important technologies in healthcare with its ability to diagnose and predict disease. Read more…
In eCommerce, artificial intelligence (AI) plays a significant role. From customer service chatbots, designed to answer specific questions. Or solve particular problems to recommendation systems that use AI to suggest the best products based on your search history and AI-powered Read more…
Analytics of data is a critical component of every successful company plan. However, how can data analysts transform raw data into something useful? Data analysts employ various techniques based on the type of data and the insights they seek. 7 Read more…
In recent years, IoT has become one of the main advances of the 21st century. Now that we can use embedded electronics to connect everyday objects like kitchen appliances, vehicles, and internal controllers to the internet, continual communication between people, Read more…
It’s true that the world is becoming increasingly digital. We’re all on our phones scrolling Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter in between taking selfies for Snapchat. But there are still some parts of life that require physicality to be safe. These Read more…
Any transformation, irrespective of their scale or implications, have often been the reason behind many people raising their eyebrows. The same goes for the extensive transformation facilitated by implementing a robust solution such as the SAP HANA Cloud. This is Read more…