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How a CBAP certification can be beneficial for career advancement

How a CBAP certification can be beneficial for career advancement

Even with the massive technological developments that we have witnessed in the past decade, business analysis remains core to any business operations.

The scope of business analyst roles has evolved to include technical skills like programming, statistical analysis, SQL, and data mining as it is today considered an IT role.

Business analysts make the most of the data available to organizations by identifying and interpreting trends, patterns, and insights for informed decision-making.

They are the bridge between the IT department of an organization and its business end. The International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA) is a nonprofit association that exists to support the business analysis professions.

IIBA provides various business analyst certifications as a validation of business analyst knowledge and skills.

The Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP) credential

According to the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA), The Certified Business Analyst Professional (CBAP) designation is a professional certification for individuals with vast business analysis (BA) knowledge and experience.

In other words, this is an accolade emblematic of an advanced level of competence and credibility.

The threshold for pursuing this certification exam is a minimum BA working experience of 7,500 hours in the preceding 10 years, within which a minimum of 900 hours should have been completed in 4 out of the 6 designated knowledge areas.

A minimum of 35 hours of professional development in the preceding 4 years is also a prerequisite.

If you meet this threshold, this is a good way of advancing your career as a business analyst. In this article, we highlight the major benefits of CBAP certification for career advancement.

Benefits of CBAP certification for career advancement

Business Analysis (BA) is one of the fastest-growing professions with a projected growth rate of 14% between 2014 and 2024 according to the US Bureau of Labor and Statistics.

Its demand in the job market outcompetes other professions whose average growth rate within the same period is 5% on average.

This growth has attracted many people into the profession, creating stiff competition in spite of its market demand. The CBAP certification sets you apart by testing and validating your skills, knowledge, and experience.

Yet, there are many more benefits of the CBAP certification to your career advancement. These are:

1. CBAP credential is recognized worldwide

CBAP certification is offered by the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA), one of the most reputable business analysis institutes across the globe.

This gives its certifications global recognition and for business analysts, the flexibility to work anywhere across the globe without being subjected to the tedious processes of certificate equations, competence assessments, or low-paying internships.

This is one of the most powerful benefits you’ll enjoy as a certified business analyst as it broadens your employment scope and allows you the luxury of working anywhere in the world.

2. Business analyst skills are applicable across all industries

Wondering whether a CBAP certification confines you only to business analytics companies? Not at all. Certified business analysts enjoy a wider employment scope compared to their noncertified counterparts.

CBAP-certified business analysts can work in any sector across various domains. It is important to demonstrate domain knowledge and experience in addition to business analyst skills.

3. Acquisition of practical valuable skills

With a stringent enrollment threshold, achieving a CBAP certification is no mean feat. It is a rigorous competency-based exercise that demands hard work and commitment.

This means that its holder is able to solve real-world problems and handle complex situations.

The curriculum also embraces a wider approach to business analysis, helping the certification holder to have a multifaceted perspective of businesses.

This creates great fulfillment at the workplace, which boosts morale ultimately driving results.

4. Increases earning potential

In the job market, employers and clients are always willing and ready to pay more for value. One way to increase the value you bring is by acquiring more skills.

If the 2020 IIBA Salary Report Survey is anything to go by, CBAP certified professionals earn 59% higher than their noncertified counterparts.

To show that acquiring the CBAP certification potentially qualifies you for a promotion and/or higher salary. The CBAP certification increases your remuneration negotiating power.

5. Opens you up to self-employment opportunities

While some professionals are better placed for employment, others are wired for self-employment. You do not have to follow the conventional path of employment to benefit from CBAP.

The CBAP certification is beneficial to both professionals seeking employment and those that are pursuing private practice.

You can opt to be self-employed by offering consultancy or freelancing services and still earn a decent income depending on how strategic you are.

This is mainly because most clients usually place a very high value on credibility and credentials.

6. It is handy in entrepreneurship

An entrepreneur is a bit different from a self-employed consultant or freelancer since they have to attract and maintain investors. A CBAP certification can be highly beneficial if this is the path for you.

While entrepreneurs can hire experts to run their companies or startups so as to concentrate on steering the company’s vision.

This particular certification comes in handy as business analysis is a fundamental skill for a business owner, without which they may not have a competitive advantage in today’s aggressive and fast-evolving market.

Most founders possess innate business acumen, a certification in business analysis will not only sharpen their skills to attract investors but also cement their confidence in driving the desired results in the business.

7. A boost to your resume

A good resume is every professional, entrepreneur, and politician’s dream. It epitomizes honor, hard work, and competence.

Having a CBAP certification as part of your resume makes you an industry resource and authority.

This means that the general public can trust your opinions on matters relating to business analysis, and are allowed to act based on them.

This can earn you invitations to address the public through talk shows, panels, and fellowships. You can also be a trusted writer on the same, which further establishes you as an industry resource.

Final Thoughts

While there’s more to consider before deciding to pursue this credential, the CBAP certification is no doubt an invaluable asset in career advancement.

The demand for certified business analysts is high and rising and the market is wide and ripe.

CBAP certification is a launchpad for professionals who need to stand out and advance their careers.

With the skill you will have earned and honed, you open yourself up to a world of the flexibility to work anywhere in the world, in any industry, and in any capacity e.g as an employee, self-employed professional, or entrepreneur.

This certification not only validates your skills but also increases your earning potential, boosts your resume, and most importantly, brings you the fulfillment that you deserve in your career.

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